Fulvous Owl

Fulvous Owl, Strix fulvescens
Fulvous Owl, Strix fulvescens.
Mayan Owl ocarina
Mayan Owl ocarina.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Strigiformes
Family: Strigidae
Species: Strix fulvescens

The Fulvous Owl (Strix fulvescens), or Guatemala Barred Owl is a bold member of the cloud forests of Central America. Its habitat is limited to the high mountain ranges and the previously mentioned cloud forests of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. It inhabits elevations from 3900 to 10000 feet and is fairly common within its range. That was from Wikipedia, but Seja where I found the one I had is in no way a cloud forest. In fact the elevation of Fronteras is 3 feet above sea level and Seja is the next village up and may be 30 feet above sea level. I might also mention that the one I had is now at the animal rescue in Flores called ARCAS, go to my links page to learn more about the amazing things they do.

A friend informed me that a group of owls are known as a Parliment. Builds nest in tree cavity, clutch size is 2-5 eggs, which are incubated for about 29 days.

Pretty gruesome is the Mayan belief about the owl, Living as one of the only Gringo's in my village, I have to wonder what the neighbors thought with a smile on my face of course. Ah Puch - God of death and ruler of Mitnal, the lowest and most terrible of the nine hells. Portrayed as a man with an owl's head or as a skeleton or bloated corpse. Also known as 'God A'. Ah Puch survives in modern Mayan belief as Yum Cimil (Lord of Death).

The Fourth Moon of the Mayan Calendar is the moon of the 'Owl' which begins 18th of October. The Mayans called the owl 'Moan', and to them the Great Horned Owl was the most sacred. The Mayans regarded them highly for their wisdom and their ability to see in the dark. For often the truth is hidden. Owls are also very powerful creatures with sharp talons and beaks. If the bird has ears or horns and a much smaller beak, it's an "omen owl." Owls are typically depicted holding shields, which symbolize their fortune-telling ability. The owl, a symbol of wisdom used by Aztec wisemen and warriors in Mexico.

I have to admit that the month that I cared for this owl was an enriching experience and I found after it left me what an impact it left on me, but I know it is happier where it is now. Surprisingly enough, I'm not dead yet.